Although the muscle below is striated, the striations are not so readily apparent as in the muscle above. These muscle cells are short, branched and interconnected. Each cell usually contains one centrally located nucleus. These muscle cells are joined end-to-end at specialized junctional zones called intercalated discs [pointed to by the blue arrows]. These discs allow force to be transmitted from one cell to another. Additionally, they contain gap junctions that allow an action potential in one cell to pass directly to an adjoining cell through these electrical synapses.
1. What type muscle tissue is this?
2. Is it voluntary, or involuntary?
3. Where is it found?

Additional information
These short answer questions based Biology. The questions 1, 2 and 3 discuss about the muscle in the picture above and include the type of muscle it is, whether or not it is voluntary and the place where it is found.
Total Word Count 4