
Functions of management

Discuss the below:

With the use of ‘cookies,' sites can see what customers have been doing or shopping for, and in return, can offer products and services to win their business. It's not surprising that even Facebook does this. With cookies, they see my web searches, resulting in ads for the very products

1) Spyware or smartware? The jury of public opinion will have to decide. But one thing is for certain: if we are going to have to change the way we deal with customer needs and wants, we all better get used to the digital cookie jar.

2) There are 4 functions of Management. Which of the 4 functions do you feel is the most difficult for a manager? Why? Thoughts?

4 functions of Management

In simple terms, planning means figuring out where to go and how to get there. Organizing means determining a structure for both individual jobs and the overall organization. Leading means directing and motivating people to achieve organizational goals. And controlling means monitoring performance and making adjustments as needed. In today's chaotic, hyper-competitive business environment, managers face

daunting challenges. But for the right people, management positions can provide an exhilarating-though sometimes exhausting-career.

planning Determining organizational goals and action plans for how to achieve those goals.

organizing Determining a structure for both individual jobs and the overall organization.

leading Directing and motivating people to achieve organizational goals.

controlling Monitoring performance and making adjustments as needed.

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Other Management: Functions of management
Reference No:- TGS01850235

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