
functions of library classification functions of

Functions of library classification :

Functions of library classification can be summarised as follows:

i) Library classification helps to arrange documents in a systematic order, which is most convenient to the reader and the library staff. It brings related subjects in close proximity, called collocation by Henry Bliss.

ii) It helps the identification and location of a document on a given subject wanted by a reader whatever may be the size of the library collection. Documents can be quickly retrieved from and replaced to their original positions. The location, lending and replacement of documents are completed mechanically in libraries.

iii) It helps to arrange documents into organised groups, like pigeonholes; and when a new document is added to the collection, classification finds an appropriate place for the newly added documents among the other documents on the same subject.

iv) The universe of knowledge is dynamic, continuous, infinite and ever growing. New areas or subjects are being continuously added to the sum total of human knowledge, When the first document on a new subject is added to the library collection, it finds itself at the appropriate place among the already existing related subjects, i.e., among its kith and kin and according to the level of its relationship to them. The functions stated in (ii), (iii), and (iv) are also known as mechanisation of the arrangement.

v) It helps to organise book displays and exhibitions. It facilitates withdrawal of certain documents from the main collection for special purposes and occasions such as book talks, seminars, symposia, conferences and special exhibitions, on a given topic.

vi) It helps in recording the daily issue and return of documents on various subjects at the circulation counter of a library. This facilitates the compilation of statistics on issues, which reflect the pattern of use and demand of documents on different subjects. The feedback helps in the allocation of funds to various subjects and guides the book selection policy of the library. The statistics so collected can be included in the annual report of the library. 

vii) Stock verification is a very important aspect of library administration. Library classification, through the medium of shelflists, facilitates an efficient and thorough stock verification of the library's holdings.

viii) It helps in the compilation of reading lists. This facilitates facet analysis of the reference queries on various aspects and 'indirectly helps in an efficient reference service.

ix) It helps in the compilation of subject union catalogues and bibliographies of books and other reading material. The union catalogues are very important tools for resource 'sharing and cooperation among libraries.

x) Classified catalogues are only possible with a classification scheme. In a research library classified catalogues are preferred over dictionary catalogues.

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