
Functionality of smtp-pop3 and mime

Question1) Answer all the questions.

(i) What do you understand by object?

(ii) What is data binding?

(iii) What do you understand by cookies?

(iv) Briefly explain relational database model?

(v) What do you mean by E-Business model?

Question2) Explain protocol? Describe the functionality of SMTP, POP3 and MIME in detail.

Question3) Briefly explain scripting? Describe client side and server side scripting.

Question4) Expalin active server page. Expalin the steps to access a database from active server page.

Question5) Answer all the questions.

(i) Write short note on Risk and Electronic payment system.

(ii) What is relationship? What are the kinds of relationships in DBMS?

(iii) Write about data manipulation language with suitable example.

(iv) Write down the advantages of server side programme?

(v) Write features of database.

Question6) What are the advantages of Java servlets? Describe.

Question7) What are the components of RDBMS? Give details.

Question8) Explain firewall in detail.

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Computer Networking: Functionality of smtp-pop3 and mime
Reference No:- TGS04039

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