Functional and dys-m functional conflict

Discuss the below:

Review the book looking back: oracle:

1. Discuss the differences between functional and dys-m functional conflict. Why should a manager under-m stand conflict?

2. Identify the structural and personal factors that con- tribute to conflict.

3. Discuss the four major forms of conflict in organizations. 4. What defense mechanisms do people use in interper-sonal conflict?

5. What are the most effective techniques for manag-ing conflict at work? What are some ineffectivetechniques?

6. Identify and discuss five styles of conflictmanagement

Discussion and Communication Questions

1. What causes you the most conflict at work or school?

1. Identify the different intragroup, interrole, intrarole, and person-role conflicts that you experience.

3. Which defense mechanism do you see people exhibit¬ing most frequently? Why do you think this is the case? How can you manage this type of reaction to a conflict?

4. Arc you comfortable with your preferred conflict management style? Would you consider modifying it?

5. (communication question) Think of a person with whom you have had a recent conflict. Write a let¬ter to this person, attempting to resolve the conflict. Use the concepts from the chapter to accomplish your objective. Be sure to address whether the conflict is functional or dysfunctional, what styles each party has used, effective strategies for resolving the conflict, and ineffective strategies that should be avoided.

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Other Subject: Functional and dys-m functional conflict
Reference No:- TGS01842885

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