
Function to encrypt and decrypt a string using pointers

Question 1) Write a program to print the following patterns using pointers.

A                A
AB              BB
ABC            CCC
ABCD          DDDD

ABCD         DDDD
ABC           CCC
AB             BB
A               A

Question 2) Write the function to count the number of spaces, tabs and new line characters in agiven string using pointers. The string should be passed to the function as argument.

Question 3) Write a function to count the numbers of vowels, consonants, digits and special symbols in a given string using pointers. The string should be passed to the function as argument.

Question 4) Write a function to extract specified number of characters from a given position from a string using pointers. The function has one string argument and two integer arguments.

Question 5) Write a function to concatenate two strings using pointers. Function has two string arguments.

Question 6) Write a function to compare two strings using pointers. Function has two string arguments and returns 0 if strings are equal else returns 1.

Question 7) Write a function to encrypt and decrypt a string using pointers and use your own method of encryption and decryption.

Question 8) WAP to reverse all the strings stored in an array using pointersQuestion: Write a function to swap two strings stored in an array using pointers. The array of strings is passed to the function as arguments.

Question 9) Write a function to display all the palindrome strings from the array of strings using pointers. The array of strings is passed to the function as arguments.

Question 10) Write a function to reverse an array of floats using pointers. The array should be passed to the function as argument.

Question 11) Write a function to print all the palindrome numbers from an integer array and determnine their sum using pointers. The array should be passed to the function as argument.

Question 12) Write a function to delete duplicate elements from the array using pointers. The array should be passed to the function as argument.

Question 13) Write a function to sort an array using bubble sort technique using pointers. The array should be passed to the function as arguments.

Question 14) Write a function to search a value in the sorted array using binary search technique using pointers. The array and value should be passed to the function as argument and function should return 1 if found else returns 1.

Question 15) Write a function to determnine the row sum and column sum of a two dimensional array of integers using pointers. The array should be passed to the function as argument.

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C/C++ Programming: Function to encrypt and decrypt a string using pointers
Reference No:- TGS04910

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