
Function to copy one string into another string

Question 1) Write a function to print the sum and average of first n odd numbers where n is passed to the function as argument.

Question 2) Write a function that returns the factorial of a number where number is passed to the function as argument.

Question 3) Write a function that returns 1 if the number is prime and 0 if not prime. Number is passed to the function as argument.

Question 4) Write a function that prints the sum of the digits, count of the digits and reverse of a number. Number is passed to the function as argument.

Question 6) Write a function that has two integer arguments and returns first number raised to the power second number.

Question 7) Write a function called zero_small that has two integer arguments being passed by reference and sets the smaller of two numbers to 0.

Question 8) Write a function that receives a string (character array) as argument and producesa string in which first letter of each word is capitalized.

Question 9) Write a function that receives a string and a character as argument and returns 1 if the character is found in the string else returns 0.

Question 10) Write a function to search a given string into another string and returns the position if found otherwise returns 0. Both the strings are passed to the function as argument.

Question 11) Write a function to return the length of the string. String is passed to the function as argument.

Question 12) Write a function to reverse a string.

Question 13) Write a function to search a string in the array of strings. String and array of strings should be passed to the function as parameters.

Question 14) Write a function to copy one string into another string. Both the strings are passed to the function as argument.

Question 15) Write a function to compare two strings. The strings must be passed to the function as argument. The function should return 0 if the strings are equal else returns 1.

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C/C++ Programming: Function to copy one string into another string
Reference No:- TGS04906

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