
Function of the pins psen and ea of 8051

1) What do you understand by microcontroller?

2) Describe DJNZ instructions of intel 8051 microcontroller.

3) Write down the function of RS1 and RS0 bits in flag register of intel 8051 microcontroller?

4) Write a program using 8051 assembly language to change date 55H stored in the lower byte of the data pointer register to AAH by using rotate instruction.

5) Write down the alternate functions for the port pins of port3.

6) State the single instruction, that clears the most significant bit of B

7) Describe the function of the pins PSEN and EA of 8051.

8) Describe the 16-bit registers DPTR and SP of 8051.

9) Write down the name of special functions registers available in 8051.

10) Describe the register IE format of 8051.

11) Explain Microprocessor and Microcontroller in detail and compare them.

12) Write down the name of five interrupt sources of 8051.

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Electrical Engineering: Function of the pins psen and ea of 8051
Reference No:- TGS010977

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