
Function of the micro-program sequencer

Q1. Describe the process which is termed as subroutine nesting.

Q2. The content of the top of memory stack is 5320. Content of the stack pointer SP is 3560. A two-word call subroutine instruction is situated in memory at address 1120 followed by the address field of 6720 at location 1121. Find out the content of PC, SP and top of stack:

a) Before the call instruction is fetched from the memory.

b) After the call instruction is executed.

c) After the return from subroutine.

Q3. Describe the use of the given registers:

a) PC
b) MAR
c) IR
d) MDR

Q4. With the help of neat block diagram describe the function of the Micro-program Sequencer.

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Computer Engineering: Function of the micro-program sequencer
Reference No:- TGS010442

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