
function of the

Function of the packaging:

1.       Product protection: package protects the products and is fundamental in idea. Their journey from the manufacturer to consumer is facilitated. Package prevents breakage, contamination, pilferage, chemical change, insect attract etc.

2.       Product contaminant: package means using just the space in which a product will be contained. Ordinary packing is in the form of throw away containers.

3.       Product attractive: the size and shape of the package, its colour, printed matter on it etc, must take the package attractive to look at. The psychological feeling is that a good package contains good quality product in it. Attractiveness is a major packaging. A pictorial label on the package plays a role of silent salesman.

4.       Product identification: packages differentiate similar products. Packaging and labelling are inseparable and are closely related to branding. Package has more significance, when the product cannot be seen by the buyer packed milk, fruit juice, etc. Buyers depend on the package label in understanding the product in a package. An attractive label is a means of success in the marketing.

5.       Product convenience: the purpose of the packaging is not merely confined to consumer services. The design and size of the package must be in accordance with the contents, product it must be convenient to the ultimate customers. Package which can be easily handled, opened, moved, etc. is appreciate favoured by the customers.

6.       Effective sales tool: a designed and attractive package invites customers. As is the product, so is the package. Many people think that a good package, taller in size, not shorter contains bigger products. Women like round or curved shape of packages. Packaging, attractive and innovated has value as many people buy the products, for the sake of the containers. 

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Marketing Management: function of the
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