Answer the following questions.
Question 1) Describe the basic function of software configuration management.
Question 2) What do you mean by software technical reviews?
Question 3) Explain the content of software plan.
Question 4) “Putting more people on a Late job makes it later”, explain why?
Question 5) What do you mean by milestones?
Question 6) Write down are the factors affecting cost?
Question 7) How the Software Engineering is different from manufacturing?
Question 8) What is the function of validation and verification teams? Describe in detail.
Question 9) Compare oral vs written communication.
Question 10) What is the function of software configuration management in controlling software evolution?
Question 11) Explain the function of changing technology in software evolution.
Question 12) Write down the main objectives of the four phases of SW lifecycle?
Question 13) Explain the components of software cost models? What are the components of a good cost estimate, in practice.