
Function of internet layer-network interface layer of tcp

Answer all the questions

Question 1) Differentiate the followings with suitable examples:               

(i) Local and Remote Bridges

(ii) Constant Bit Rate and Variable Bit Rate

(iii) Time Division Multiplexing and Frequency Division Multiplexing

(iv) Datagram and Virtual Circuit

(v) Analog and Digital Signal

Question2) (i) Describe the followings in terms of TCP reference model with examples.

• Reliable connection–oriented transfer of data

• Best effort connectionless transfer

(ii) Describe with illustration how Internet Layer and network Interface layer of TCP reference model function.               

(iii) Write down the advantages of digital transmission over analog transmission with examples of each.

Question 3) (i) Explain the Selective Repeat Protocol with illustration  in terms of error recovery , flow control and packet loss.

(ii)  How is MAC sublayer different from Logical Link Control sublayer?

(iii) Describe the two methodologies used by bridges for transmission of frames.

(iii) What function(s) a station has to perform when it wants to transmit a frame using a token ring protocol?                                           

Question4)  (i) How does transport layer manage crash recovery, multiplexing and connection establishment? Describe.

(ii)  What is the convention of writing domain names?  Describe with an example. Name at least five domain names and its meaning.           

Question5) (i) Through the example and illustration, describe how the ATM network work?             

(ii) Explain the bandwidth limitations of B-channels and D-channel.

(iii) Differentiate between Packet switching and Cell switching. 

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Computer Networking: Function of internet layer-network interface layer of tcp
Reference No:- TGS02350

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