
Function in object and classes

Question 1: Define the term function? How will you define a function in C++?

Question 2: How is the argument data types specified for the C++ function? Describe with appropriate example.

Question 3: What kinds of functions are available in the C++? Describe.

Question 4: What do you mean by recursion? While writing any recursive function what things should be taken care of?

Question 5: What do you mean by inline function? When will you make a function inline and explain why?

Question 6: Define the term class? How objects of a class are made?

Question 7: What is the importance of the scope resolution operator (::)?

Question 8: Define the terms data members, member function, private and public members with illustration.

Question 9: Define a string data type with the given functionality:

a) A constructor having no parameters,

b) Constructors which initialize strings as follows:

• A constructor that creates a string of specific size
• Constructor that initializes using a pointer string
• A copy constructor

c) Define the destructor for the class.

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C/C++ Programming: Function in object and classes
Reference No:- TGS07802

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