
Fully explain what type information or data you need to

Question: Research design (solution approach) : In this section you are explaining (in full details) the procedures and processes that you will perform to achieve the specific goals of your project. You have to be very precise and clear on the actions and you should justify your actions. In addition you should explain what data (or information) you are planning to collect (and why? justify with literature) and how you will use (and analyze the data) to achieve your objectives.

Data: Fully explain what [type] information or data you need to collect for the project and justify that the data will help you achieve you project's objectives, explain and discuss in your own words. Also, fully discuss your plan for data collection. Remember, you WILL EXECUTE this plan in your 699, so seriously think about your plan. Discuss your research instrument (i.e. your data collection method) and explain why you selected the method(s). If you need to interview or send out questionnaires then you need to think about the questions you want to ask (and explain how these questions provide you with the data you need). Include a sample of your questions. Explain your resources, justify your method(s) of data collection. Explain how the data will help you achieve project's goals.

Use the template file (please download and use the file again as it has been updated) and provide the followings: (follow the instruction and provide full explanation for the sections as per the instructions):

1. Cover page

2. Introduction

3. Relationship to CPT

4. Literature Review (Revised)

5. Problem Statement & Justification (Revised)

6. Research Design (proposed solution approach) which should include data collection scheme and data analysis (New)

Apply all the comments and feedback you have already received.

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Computer Engineering: Fully explain what type information or data you need to
Reference No:- TGS02855732

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