
Full service advertising agencies

Question 1: Identify the key functions of full service advertising agencies and summarize the contributions they can make to the development and implementation of the advertising campaigns.

Question 2: Describe the contributions that advertising can make to the marketing of products and services.

Question 3: Explain what you understand by the given advertising terms:

a) Pre-testing research.
b) Post-testing research.
c) Sources of advertising data.

Question 4: Identify the key points of the Advertising Code of Practice used in a country of your choice and describe the significance of the code to modern societies.

Question 5: Summarize the promotional support that sales promotions can give to advertising campaigns and give illustrations to support your recommendations.

Question 6: Describe the factors you would take into account when choosing the advertising media to be used as part of your company’s advertising campaigns.

Question 7: Write notes on three of the given:

a) Media relations
b) Customer relations
c) Corporate advertising
d) Brand advertising

Question 8: Highlight the practical difficulties facing marketing management in establishing the size of the advertising budget and describe two methods of setting the advertising budget.

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Other Subject: Full service advertising agencies
Reference No:- TGS04822

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