
full leather binding full leather binding

Full leather binding:  Full leather binding means that whole of the card board is covered by leather. Books which are very expensive and are rare may need this kind of binding.  Usually reference books such  as encyclopaedias, dictionaries, atlases, etc., are given full-leather binding.  

Half-leather binding: This is a type of binding, wherein half the board is covered with leather and the rest by cloth or buckram, The back and the corners are covered by leather as they are the portions which need protection. Backruns of periodicals and magazines, may need this kind of binding. 

Full cloth binding: The cover boards of books are' covered completely with cloth in this type of binding. Generally this kind of binding is given to standard books and textbooks which are very heavily used. 

Half cloth binding: The spine and corners of the board are covered by cloth and the rest of the cover boards is covered by cheaper materials such  as  paper and other decorative materials. Books which are slightly cheaper are given this kind of binding. 


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