
Fs320 the ability for a business to quickly recover from a

Discussion Post

Just as in other cases you have examined in the course so far, the ability for a business to quickly recover from a disaster is directly related to the efforts that are put into mitigation and preparation ahead of an incident actually occurring.

Rather than one large scale change, making a business more resilient is often the result of many smaller incremental changes that result in increased protect from a variety of hazards.

These improvements come from both reinforcing infrastructure and buildings, as well as regularly reviewing insurance policies to confirm that coverage will address the most likely scenarios that will disrupt business operations whether direct or indirect.

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Your responses ought to include original evaluation, synthesis, or analysis of the topic, and contribute to the weekly discussion in a meaningful way.

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Dissertation: Fs320 the ability for a business to quickly recover from a
Reference No:- TGS02826616

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