
Fruits such as apples and oranges contain seeds how do you

These are a few questions I need help answering for my Environmental Biology Class, please and thank you!!!

  1. Fruits such as apples and oranges contain seeds. How do you think these fruit structures are related to seed dispersal? How might these mechanisms have evolved?
  2. Coconut trees evolved in island environments. Describe the possible coconut seed dispersal mechanism. Note: The coconut you usually see in the store has been taken out of its "husk" which is very fibrous, light, and will float!
  3. In comparison to flowering plants like a maple tree or thistle, pine trees are evolutionarily less advanced. The seeds of a pine tree are not encased in a fruit --but for a time in the cone itself. The pinecone containing the seeds eventually breaks open. How do you think pine seed dispersal mechanisms might compare with others you have studied?
  4. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of scarification as an adaptation strategy of plants.
  5. Seeds are an adaptive strategy plants evolved through natural selection to provide an advantage to the survival rates of their offspring. Humans have taken lessons learned from natural selection and have artificially selected traits which have been benefited mankind. In what ways has artificial selection changed the quality of life for humans? In what way can artificial selection be used to further enhance the quality of life for humans and in what way could it be used to reduce environmental impacts on Earth?

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Biology: Fruits such as apples and oranges contain seeds how do you
Reference No:- TGS02466005

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