
From your investigations in task 3 explain in detail how

1) Establish and describe the sectors that each of the three companies identified by you would fit into. Describe the engineering function that they carry out in their respective sectors.

2) Describe the organisational types, status and structures of each of these selected companies.

3) Using just one of the selected companies as example, describe the internal system(s) of information flow used, including the people involved, types of information and ethics of communication. You also need to describe how this system(s) relates to a specific engineering activity you have identified in this company.

4) From your investigations in task 3 explain in detail how improvements in information flow could enhance any functional activities of the company you selected.

5) From your investigations in tasks 3 & 4.

Evaluate the key aspects of the information flow, how it impacts upon the specific activity chosen, and other functional activities of the company.

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Dissertation: From your investigations in task 3 explain in detail how
Reference No:- TGS01248518

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