There are few issues more relevant and topical in today's local government affairs than ensuring equitable treatment in community policing. The use of body worn cameras is looked at as a potential tool by both police agencies and community activists. For this week's discussion board, please read and consider the attached article "Police and Body Worn Cameras" from an issue of "Public Management" Magazine. Use the questions posed below to build your post.
Police and Body Worn Cameras(1).pdf
1- What are 2-3 factors that you think City Manager's of small to mid-sized agencies should consider / weigh when contemplating an investment in body worn cameras?
2- From what you read, what do you think the City of Phoenix did best in its process?
3- If you were a City Manager, what kind of data or statistics would you like to see before making a decision regarding the purchase and implementation of a body worn camera initiative.
4- Please develop 2-3 potential performance measures that could help leaders track the effectiveness of a program after implementation.
Attachment:- Police_and_Body_Worn_Cameras1.pdf