
From what you know about growth hormones list three

Bovine somatotropin (BST) is a growth hormone approved for use in the United States to increase milk production in dairy cattle. Currently, its use is banned in Canada. Independent studies completed by the FDA and World Health Organization have concluded that milk and meat from cows treated with BST are safe for human consumption. 

Researchers have shown that trace amounts of BST can be found in milk and meat produced by BST-treated cows. BST can also be found in milk from untreated cows as it is naturally produced in the cow's pituitary glands. 

From what you know about growth hormones, list three potential effects on cattle health, human health and the environment from use of bovine growth hormone on dairy cows.

Competitive athletes who have used synthetic hGH to become bigger, taller, faster, and stronger often suffer from side effects after prolonged usage of human growth hormone. 

These side effects include cancer and diabetes mellitus. Explain why these complications arise?

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Biology: From what you know about growth hormones list three
Reference No:- TGS02619428

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