From Virgil's Aeneid
1. What is the symbol of Carthage? A. wolf B. War Horse C. Eagle D. Lion
2. With what animal is Dido's madness metaphorically compared? A. Dog B. Eagle C. Deer D. Lion
3. What does Mercury find Aeneas doing? A. Sleeping B. Reading C. Laying Foundations D. Eating
4. What does Aeneas tell Mnestheus to do "but quietly"? A. Get the Fleet Ready B. Prepare for Battle C. Finish Building a Castle D. Kill King Larbas
5. What does Dido send to get Anna? A.. Aeneas B. Guard C. Nurse D. Sibyl
6. Who helps Tumus during the fight? A. Zeus B. Athene C. Apollo D. Juturna
7. What is sent to Juturna as an omen? A. Medusa b. First of the Dirae c. An Eagle D. A peacock
8. What does Tumus use as a weapon after Juturna leaves? A. A Stone B. A tree trunk C. A sword D. A spear
9. Aeneas almost stops fighting Tumus; what does he see that rekindles his anger? A.. Achille's armor B. One of the Dirae C. Sword Belt of Pallas D. His reflection in Tumus' shield