
From the scenario list and describe two positive

From the scenario, list and describe two positive externalities and two negative externalities the copy center is associated with in society.

Select a business in your community with which you are familiar and describe the positive or negative externalities the business is adding to society.

Common types of negative externalities by the producer: Air pollution, smokey factory chimneys. Soil pollution, chemicals spilled whiile transporting into or out ou building. Water pollution, rain run off from spills. Noise pollution, the loud noise to local residence from the machinery.

Common types of positive externalities by the producer: Labour training in firms, one firm may do little as it knows that when a trained worker leaves, someone else benefits. But the first firm paid for all the training. Education generally involves tax dollars collected. Health generally wellness programs and tax dollars to keep cost down. The provision of playing fields at or near schools so that the health and sporting skills of the children improves. Support of museums and art galleries that can encourage the poor and uneducated to widen their horizons, educate themselves, and generally improve.

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Dissertation: From the scenario list and describe two positive
Reference No:- TGS01527903

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