
From the moment you get up in themorning until you go to


CHAPTER 8: Critically exploring the controversies behind intelligence testing and its cultural relevance. Like last time, for this assignment, you'll do some research.

For your posting you'll find information about one of the many controversies behind intelligence testing. Feel free to visit the internet or Collin's library for your research.

To receive full credit (50 points), your posting should be a minimum of 150 words - AND - the information that you post needs to be new.

In other words, your post needs to add a piece of information about controversies in intelligence testing that previous postings haven't included. So, be sure to look through earlier postings to be sure that you are presenting new information.

Read about the research that interests you and then submit a post explaining it in your own words. Be sure to include your source in your posting.


Chapter 11: Gender, Sex, and Sexuality

For this assignment you will explore your gender awareness.

Set aside a day and keep a gender-awareness diary. Try to notice every time you have anexperience in which your gender matters to your life.

From the moment you get up in themorning until you go to bed that night, if you are a man, ask yourself, "Would I be doing this if Iwere a woman?"

If you are a woman, ask yourself, "Would I be doing this if I were a man?"When you see a woman performing an activity, ask yourself, "Would this seem appropriate tome if a man were doing it?" And, when you see a man performing an activity, ask yourself,"Would this seem appropriate to me if a woman were doing it?"

Write a summary (500 words) in a Word Document of your thoughts and feelings about these activities, and reflect on the role of gender in your daily life.

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