Design Exploration - Exercise: Tactile boards
Your task:
Collect, document and arrange at least 12 textures for visual contrast and feel. Make at least 4 different combinations from the chosen textures. Take at least 15 photographs and make at least 4 sketches.
From the materials supplied in class make tactile boards based on texture. These may include materials that are: shiny, rough, smooth, soft, fluffy, cold, spongy, waxy, pitted etc. Use the ‘Experience Collection Log' supplied, to describe your different textures.
Attach copies in your Process Diary. You will also need to write a 150 word reflection, outlining your findings.
Additional notes:
Glue the textures to a sheet of paper or cardboard. Invite people to close their eyes and guess what the different materials are. Experiment with touching the boards using different parts of your body (such as your cheek or elbow).