
From the e-activities compare the philosophies in megans


"Portfolios and Reflection" Please respond to the following:

· From the first e-Activity, suggest at least two (2) strengths that you believe Megan Bishop's portfolio has in terms of the display of its content. Specify one (1) item you would add if this were your portfolio. Provide a rationale for your response.

· From the e-Activities, compare the philosophies in Megan's portfolio with the NETS-T standards for teachers. Specify two (2) standards that are incorporated into her philosophy. Propose an additional option in which Megan could demonstrate the two (2) standards in the classroom. Provide a rationale for your response.


"Changing the Classroom Experience" Please respond to the following:

· From the case study, propose two (2) methods that Sue might use to integrate technology into her math test review lesson in order to promote learning success for all of her students. Provide specific steps that Sue would be required to take in order to support your recommendation.

· From the Other Preparation, provide both a description of the test review method you created and the rationale for selecting this type of review method over another. Distinguish what, if any, changes you would make in the test review method for a K-12 environment.

Week 10 eActivity

· Go to the Portfolio Gen Website for Megan Bishop, located at https://www.portfoliogen.com/mbishop/, to review the sample digital teacher portfolio. Be prepared to discuss.

· Review the NETS-T standards for teachers located at https://www.iste.org/docs/pdfs/nets-t-standards.pdf?sfvrsn=2. Be prepared to discuss.

Week 10 Other Preparation

· Pretend you are an adult education instructor preparing students for a comprehensive exam. Compose one (1) of the following methods that instructors / facilitators may use for a test review. The method created must include five (5) questions.

o Design a brief survey

o Design a short review quiz

o Create inquiry and opinion questions

Case Study


Sue, a fourth-grade teacher in a rural school district, is preparing her students for the state's annual mathematics achievement test administered every May. Her students took this test for the first time as third-graders, and those scores showed some youngsters performing on or above grade level while many others were struggling to grasp basic math concepts, operations, and procedures.

The state achievement test includes all the main topics in the fourth-grade math curriculum-number operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), data analysis/statistics, patterns/relations/algebra, geometry, and measurement-so Sue has taught units on each of these topics during the school year. Given the wide number of topics on the test, Sue recognizes that her students must remember a considerable amount of information, some of which has not been discussed in class for many weeks.

She wants to review math operations and problem-solving strategies in ways that will challenge her higher achieving students while not discouraging those still practicing basic math skills. Sue's classroom has only one Internet-accessible computer, although she can sign up for the school's computer lab that has enough machines for all of her students. She does have a digital projector and a large display screen.

Using the technologies discussed in this chapter, how would you propose Sue integrate technology into her math test review lesson in ways that will promote learning success for all her students?

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Other Subject: From the e-activities compare the philosophies in megans
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