
From the data you collected in task 1 calculate the average

Paper Requirements:

The objective is to present an overview of the past, present, and future of the manufacturing industry 336214 Trailers, camping, and manufacturing. It's important to read all the requirements before starting the research.

Specific Tasks:

Be careful in reading the data from the web sites; some values are measured in thousands or millions. You must identify all units correctly. For each task, use the most disaggregated (6-digit whenever possible) industry data available. When only more aggregate data are available, please estimate the 6-digit data using a reasonable estimation method.

1. What is 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing's size in 2015, 2012, 2007, 2002, and 1997? Size is measured by both number of employees and value of shipments. Display results in a table for the 4 census years 1997, 2002, 2007, and 2012 and the off-census year 2015.

2. U.S. Industry Growth

From the data you collected in task 1, calculate the average annual percentage growth rates (percentage growth rate for the entire period divided by 5 or 3) for both employment and value of shipments for the following periods: 1997-2002, 2002-2007, 2007-2012, and 2012-2015.

3. Salaries and Wage Rates in Industry in the U.S.

To find the average annual salary for employees in 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing for 2015, divide payroll by the number of employees in that year. To find the average hourly wage rate, divide production-worker wages by production- worker hours for 2015. You will be able to find all data by following the instructions in task 1 for reaching the 2015 census data for 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing.

Also find the average annual salary and average hourly wage rate for 1997 by using the instructions given in task 1 for reaching the 2002 and 1997 census data for 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing.

4. Geographic Location of Industry in the U.S.

List the 5 states (or more if there's a tie) with the highest number of employees in 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing as well as the number of employees in these states. You will find data in County Business Patterns.

5. U.S. Seller Concentration in the Industry

How many firms in total were in 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing in 2012? Further explained on the pdf slide 5.

CR4 is the shipments share of an industry accounted for by the top 4 firms in that industry.

HHI is another measure of industry concentration equal to the sum of squared market shares of the top 50 firms in the industry.

6. U.S. Industry Buyers and Industry Input Suppliers

Find 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing's

a. top three final-buyer buying industries and how much in $millions they bought (final buyers appear in Columns OC through OV in the input-output table).

b. top five intermediate-buyer buying industries and how much in $millions they bought (they will be in 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing's row before Column OB).

c. top five input supplying industries and how much in $millions they sold (they will be in 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing's column in the Excel table above Row 396).

If an industry is among its own top five buyers or suppliers, please do not include. Note that final buyers are household consumers, business investors, government, or international buyers (exports). An "F" for "final" should identify an input-output sector as a final purchaser.

7. Firms that Produce in the Industry

Using the provided reports; 33621IBISWorld.pdf, 336214GaleBusinessInsights.pdf, and 336214ORBIS.xls the major firms that participate in 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing.

a. Find (for example, look at their annual reports and websites if available) and summarize any size (employees and revenue) information you can find about these firms in 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing.

b. Comment on the size of the firms relative to the size of the industry as a whole.

c. Comment on the degree of specialization or diversification of the firms. Do they produce only in 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing, or do they sell products in a variety of different industries?

8. U.S. Industry Forecasts

What are the 2024 employment and output (inflation-adjusted production) forecasts for 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing? At the 4-digit level, they may be found at the following Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) website.

Since 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing represents only a share of the more aggregate industry found on this website, however, be sure to multiply the two forecasts by the relevant ratio (employment or value of shipments) of the six-digit industry's size to the four-digit industry's size. You may find four- digit shipments and employment for 2015 by repeating the steps for task 1 for 2015 except with respect to Industry Codes. Click on Industry Codes and check Individual Codes. Then, click on NAICS/NAICS Based Industry. Expand Industry Level and click four-digit. Put a check next to your four- digit industry. Then click Add. You should then see your four-digit industry in the search box with a blue circle and white x to the right of it. Close the Industry Codes box.

9. Regional Specialization in Industry

For a metropolitan statistical area (MSA) of your choice, you will calculate the location quotient for 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing. The location quotient for a region is defined as the percent of total industrial employment accounted for by the industry in the MSA DIVIDED BY this same percentage for the United States as a whole.

10. U.S. Industry Imports and Exports

Find information, for 2016, on imports of 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing's products from outside the United States and, again for 2016, on the exports of 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing's products from the United States by visiting the website https://dataweb.usitc.gov/. Click on Interactive Tariff and Trade DataWeb Login. Register for the website to gain access.

Find the five top countries from which the U.S. imports products from 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing and the five top countries to which the U.S. exports products for 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing. Find the amounts imported from and exported to the countries. Also, find total imports and exports for 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing.

Comment on the amount of exports and imports relative to the size of the industry as a whole. (You essentially found the size of the U.S. industry in task 1 -- - for 2015.) That is, relative to the size of the U.S. market as a whole, is the share of imports "large" or "small"?

Does your particular industry have a balance-of- trade deficit or surplus? Explain.

Please follow specific instructions at the end of this assignment since this website is a little tricky.

If your NAICS code is not available on the website, please complete task 10 for an industry of your choice related to 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing, and describe the relationship.

11. Nominal versus Real Industry Growth

Find information on price inflation in 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing by going to the website https://www.bls.gov. Under Subjects, go to INFLATION AND PRICES Producer Price Indices (PPIs). Click on PPI Databases. Click on One- Screen Data Search under Industry Data. For 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing, find the annual PPI for the period 1997 - 2015. Then, calculate the rate of inflation for each period: 1997-2007, 2002-2007, 2007-2012, and 2012-2015. The rate of inflation is the percentage change in the PPI between the earlier year and the later year. The average annual percentage change is this change divided by 5 or 3. If you do not have enough data to support these calculations, then compute inflation rates for the relevant 5-digit or 4-digit, or even 3-digit, industry. If nothing is available even at the 3-digit level, please use the PPI - Total manufacturing industries, under Top Picks on the website.

Given the growth rates you calculated in task 2, please comment on the amount of growth in 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing due to price changes and the amount due to changes in physical quantity. The annual percent change in value of shipments (task 2) is roughly equal to annual percent change in physical quantity plus annual percent change in price (task 11). Thus, annual percent change in quantity = annual percent change in value of shipments (task 11) minus annual percentage change in price (task 11). Percentage change in quantity represents real growth, net of inflation.

12. Government Purchases of Industry Products

Go to the website fedbizopps. Click on Find Opportunities. For your 6-digit NAICS industry, how many opportunities are listed on the website? Does it seem as though the federal government is a major buyer of 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing's products?

13. Do additional research on 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing or on the firms in 336214 Trailers, camping, manufacturing to help interpret the statistics you find via the recommended websites. If you refer to websites or other sources not listed specifically in this assignment, please list them on a page of references. Attached reports should be used for this research.

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Macroeconomics: From the data you collected in task 1 calculate the average
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