
From the confucian passage what is suggested about how

1. From the Confucian passage what is suggested about how religion life might or should influence politics and society? Note the picture of the monastery in the wilderness what does tis say about how religion should connect with politics and society?

2. Some Passage above suggest that there are specific social roles for women for leaders and for believers in general that are required by God and tradition. To what extent are the teachings of religion bound to a particular time in history wo what extent do religious teachings apply to all times and places? How does one distinguish between those that are bound to a particular time and those that have application to all time and places?

3. Does religion seem to "fit" better into a crowded society as in the urban scenes on  the website or does it seem more vivid in nature? Do religions feel different depending on the context?

4. What other kinds of questions should we ask to begin  the sutdy of religion?

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Other Subject: From the confucian passage what is suggested about how
Reference No:- TGS0625475

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