
From the approved list of historical films that is here

From the approved list of historical films that is here attached, you will choose one film to view and analyze for its historical content, historical themes, and accuracy. This Historical Themed Movie Review is worth 60 points and must be a minimum of 1500 words, using a minimum of 5 SCHOLARLY SOURCES - 1 source must be a primary document. DO NOT use Ask.com, Wikipedia, or Mrs. Harvey's 8th grade class project!! Get my point?? These need to be accepted scholarly sources = publications and/or webpages that are peered reviewed. Each source must be quoted in the body of the paper at least once to provide context and support for your analysis. You must properly cite all quoted materials according to a Writing Style Guide of your choice. A full and properly formatted Works Cited/Bibliography of the same Writing Style Guidelines must be included. The minimum word count for this paper applies to CONTENT only and does NOT include the bibliographic information. The following elements must be addressed in this paper:

  • Identification of the film: title, director, producer, Film Company, year of premiere, and episode in history the film portrays.
  • Identification and discussion of 2 historical themes that you feel encompass the history being portrayed. 
  • Identification of the primary source document(s) you use in context of your essay.
  • A BRIEF synopsis of the plot of the film, comparing the story line in the film to the history established through your research.
  • A detailed evaluation of HOW the film treated the history it portrayed, both what it did well and what it did poorly - discuss the themes portrayed as well.
  • A conclusion that summarizes your arguments and how the themes you have chosen embodied the history portrayed in the film.
  • Refer to your sources and quote them  to provide support for your observations and analysis.
  • Sources can include your text books, movie reviews, journal articles, etc. NO WIKIPEDIA, or answers.com or other sources that are not academically peer reviewed.

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Basic Statistics: From the approved list of historical films that is here
Reference No:- TGS01391178

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