PURPOSE The objective of this assignment is to develop and enhance individual student's capabilities in critically evaluating literature in service marketing.
From secondary literature search and your own readings, write a report critically evaluating service marketing strategies in 3 companies of your choice. Your report should have the following format
- Executive summary
- Table of Contents
- Company history of each selected company, sales, market share , profits, if any
- Type of industry , customers
- Types of Service marketing strategies
- Implementation of service marketing strategies
- Conclusion
You should gather your literature from journal articles, research reports, press releases, government publications , trade magazines or various sources which are creditable in nature.
Additional Guidelines/Assignment Format
• Your assignment should be types on A4 paper using 12 Times New Roman and 1.5 spacing
• Your assignment should contain about 3,000-5,000 words ( at 15-20 pages), not including appendix and reference
• Your assignment must include in-text citation and a reference list. Referencing needs to follow APA style.
• References should be include the latest publications ( year 2005 and onwards)
• All submitted assignments will go through online plagarism software check.
Marks Distribution (60%)
Marking Dimensions
1. Executive Summary 5
2. Critical Evaluation of 3 companies 30
3. Citation and Reference List 10
4. Language , Clarity and Coherence 10
5. Conclusion 5