From secondary literature search and your own readings

PURPOSE The objective of this assignment is to develop and enhance individual student's capabilities in critically evaluating literature in service marketing. 

From secondary literature search and your own readings, write a report critically evaluating service marketing strategies in 3 companies of your choice. Your report should have the following format 
- Executive summary 
- Table of Contents 
- Company history of each selected company, sales, market share , profits, if any 
- Type of industry , customers 
- Types of Service marketing strategies 
- Implementation of service marketing strategies 
- Conclusion 
You should gather your literature from journal articles, research reports, press releases, government publications , trade magazines or various sources which are creditable in nature. 
Additional Guidelines/Assignment Format 
• Your assignment should be types on A4 paper using 12 Times New Roman and 1.5 spacing 
• Your assignment should contain about 3,000-5,000 words ( at 15-20 pages), not including appendix and reference 
• Your assignment must include in-text citation and a reference list. Referencing needs to follow APA style. 
• References should be include the latest publications ( year 2005 and onwards) 
• All submitted assignments will go through online plagarism software check. 
Marks Distribution (60%) 

Marking Dimensions 

1. Executive Summary 5 
2. Critical Evaluation of 3 companies 30 
3. Citation and Reference List 10
4. Language , Clarity and Coherence 10 
5. Conclusion 5

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Marketing Management: From secondary literature search and your own readings
Reference No:- TGS01004541

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