For this task, respond to the following questions:
- From Jackson (2016): Chapter Exercises #1, 2, and 4 only for Ch. 9 (p. 252-253).
- What is the purpose of conducting an experiment? How does an experimental design accomplish its purpose?
- In an educational study, what are the advantages and disadvantages of an experimental design?
- What is more important in an experimental study: designing the study in order to make strong internal validity claims or strong external validity claims? Why?
- In an experiment, what does control mean? What is the purpose of a control group? Of single or multiple comparison groups?
- What are confounds? Give an example of a design that has three confounds. Describe three ways to alter the design to address these confounds and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each.
- What does cause mean and why is it an important concept in research? How are correlation and causation related?
- Design a between-participants, within-participants, and matched-participants study that address the following question and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each to yielding data that help you answer the question. You are a researcher interested in addressing the question: does smiling cause mood to rise (i.e., become more positive)? Describe and discuss each design in 4-5 sentences.
Length: 5-7 pages