
Frigid florida winter is bad news for tomato b lovers an

Frigid Florida Winter is Bad News for Tomato b Lovers An unusually cold January in Florida destroyed entire fields of tomatoes and forced many farmers to delay their harvest. Florida’s growers are shipping only a quarter of their usual 5 million pounds a week. The price has risen from $6.50 for a 25- pound box a year ago to $30 now. Source: USA Today, March 3, 2010 a. Make a graph to illustrate the market for tomatoes in January 2009 and January 2010. b. On the graph, show how the events in the news clip influence the market for tomatoes. c. Why is the news “bad for tomato lovers”?

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Macroeconomics: Frigid florida winter is bad news for tomato b lovers an
Reference No:- TGS01630728

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