
friend for overloading operatorssometimes friend

Friend for Overloading Operators

Sometimes friend functions cannot be avoided. For example with the operator overloading. Consider the following class that have data members to simulate a matrix. Several operations can be performed on the matrices. One of them is to multiply the given matrix by a number (constant literal). There are two ways in which we can do this. The two ways are:

                Matrix * num;



num * Matrix;

In the first case we can overload * to perform the operation and an object invokes this as the statement gets changed to :


Where Mobj is an object of Matrix and num is a normal integer variable. What happens to the second one ? It  gets changed by the compiler as :


Let us see this program in detail.

class Matrix





                                Matrix &operator*(int num);

                                friend Matrix &operator*(int n, Matrix &m);


                                int mat[20][20];

                                int rows, cols;



Matrix Matrix::operator*(int num)


  Matrix temp;




   for(int i=1; i<=rows; i++)

                for(int j=1; j<=cols; j++)


    return (temp);




Matrix operator*(int n, Matrix &m)


   Matrix temp;


                temp= m*n;

                return temp;



void main()


Matrix M1, M2, M3;

int num;


  :                             // accept matrix one and num


M2=M1*num;  // calls member operator function.

M3=num*M1;  // calls friend function.



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C/C++ Programming: friend for overloading operatorssometimes friend
Reference No:- TGS0309477

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