
frequency distributiona frequency distribution is

Frequency distribution

A frequency distribution is a series where a number of items with similar values are put in separate groups or bunches. In other words a frequency distribution is a table  in which   the data ground  into classes  are recorded. In   the words of croxton and Cowden frequency distribution is a statistical table which show the set of all distinct values or sizes or measurements, and on its right the number of times the value is repeated which is called number of items or frequency or number of observations. Formation of a discrete frequency distribution.

The process of preparing discrete frequency distribution ia as under:

(1)   All value from lowest to the highest be placed  in Column no.

(2)   Put a tally bar vertical line opposite the value to which  it realates. To facilitate counting sets of five tally bars is prepared and some space is left between two sets of tallies.

(3)   Then finally the number of tallies are canted and  frequency for each size or value is obtained.

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Applied Statistics: frequency distributiona frequency distribution is
Reference No:- TGS0161531

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