A dividend is a payment from a publicly traded company to its shareholders. The dividend yield of a stock is determined by dividing the annual dividend of a stock by its price.The following data represent the dividend yields (in percent) of a random sample of 28 publicly traded stocks of companies with a value of at least $5 billion.
1.7, 0, 1.15, 0.62, 1.06, 2.45, 2.38, 2.83, 2.16, 1.05, 1.22, 1.68, 0.89, 0, 2.59, 0, 1.7, 0.64, 0.67, 2.07, 0.94, 2.04, 0, 0, 1.35, 0, 0, 0.41
With the first class having a lower class limit of 0 and a class width of 0.40:
A- Construct a frequency distribution.
B- Construct a relative frequency distribution.