
Free will refers to the right of an individual to choose

how can I restate my thesis statement to be clear, the bold part

Free will refers to the right of an individual to choose the course of their actions while evil refers to the concept of doing that which is considered wrong and which by all means seems to work against that which is considered good. When an individual is given free will, there are those that will want to do goodness because they are naturally good. There are those that will choose to do bad not because they are evil but because of circumstance while there are those that are generally evil and would always want to do bad things. It's believed that God allowed suffering because he was displeased with our evil actions. Some believe that pain and suffering are as a result of God punishing us for our evil. . Evil shows the representation of free will is a moral evil that has taken a presentation of free will.

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Dissertation: Free will refers to the right of an individual to choose
Reference No:- TGS02506549

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