
Free markets allocate economic goods in the most socially

APA requires double spacing, do not include the questions (make as an essay), use more of your own words. Must include references even if just textbook

1 ."Free markets allocate economic goods in the most socially beneficial way and ensure progress."To what extent is this statement true? To what extent do you think it is false?

The next questions are refer to the Marx's children (Napster's  lost revolution)

1. Although what Napster , Grokster, StreanCast, LimeWire, and PirateBay did was illegal, was it immoral?. Explain

2. Is it morally wrong to download copy righted material without paying for it and without the authorization of the party that holds the copyright? Explain

3. Should we treat digitized entertainment like online music, movies, or games in the way the Locke said property should be looked at, or like Aquinas said property should be looked at, or like collectively owned property that many socialist advocate? Is your view consistent in the sense of consistency defined in chapter 1?How does the kind of free downloading that Napster, Grokster, StreamCast , LimeWire, and Bit Torrent made possible fit with each of these three view on property?

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Business Management: Free markets allocate economic goods in the most socially
Reference No:- TGS02362815

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