
framework for indicators in electricity sectora

Framework for Indicators in Electricity Sector

A framework has been developed and a set of core indicators for electricity Sector has been proposed. In the first example, mapping the main sources of data could follow the proposed framework and indicators as some of these will be readily available from open sources. Therefore, the data requires to be regularly updated and there does not seem to have a sustained effort at the level of the organization to do this.

The suggested KPIs could be adopted at National level along with a varying degree of benchmark. An atmosphere of accountability, measurement and improvement thus can be created that will provide benefit to electricity Distribution Sector with more satisfied customer. The Ministry of Power requires to give a requisite impetus to all the participating utilities to work upon to first monitor the KPIs, compare them internally and along with other utilities and to create an atmosphere of excellence along with a reward and penalty provision.

Economic regulation of utilities/ DISCOMs generally focuses on price regulation, with associative less attention to performance standards and social obligations. Instead, technical rules are not commonly concerned along with economic aspect and cost-efficiency. The linkage of economic and technical regulation after liberalisation presents a challenge for regulators. The existing norms are unsatisfactory; thus, it is quite necessary to move quickly towards international standards in stages.

  1. Preliminary state
  2. Transition stage
  3. Final stage

Roadmaps for every stage are to be decided through regulators.

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Electrical Engineering: framework for indicators in electricity sectora
Reference No:- TGS0203317

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