
Four vendors have provided written material on their


For this assignment, you will assume the role of the HIM director who is serving on the facility's committee to choose our next EHR which will be used across the health system - including hospital, physician offices, ER and outpatient services. The EHR Selection Committee is composed of the following members:

• (You, the student) -Director of HIM
• Teresa - Manager of Systems Integration
• Dave - Director of Information Systems
• Tim- Information systems analyst
• Rogene - Manager of data security
• Elaine - HIPAA privacy officer
• Linda- VP nursing
• Maria - Director of nursing operations
• Sharik - Director of medical imaging
• Steve - Director of laboratory services
• Rhonda - VP of Information Systems Facilitation
• LaQuana - VP of Financial Systems
• Hiba - Director of Patient Accounts
• Trinette - Director of Patient Access
• Taylor - Director of Pharmacy
• Charmaine - Manager of Emergency Department

Four vendors have provided written material on their products and are offering to provide live EHR demonstrations to the committee and our staff. They all have good reputations with other providers. We know that the vendors will focus on the "strengths" of their particular system, so to ensure our staff is prepared to obtain the most information at the upcoming vendor demonstrations, the committee is preparing the EHR Inquiry Tool which is being stored in the table below for convenience.

To guide completion of the EHR Inquiry Tool, the committee reviews the ONC standards for EHR Products first. Review the ONC (U. S. Office of the National Coordinator) standards for inpatient EHR products. [Please refer specifically to the 2011 General Criteria (170.302) for analysis of the ONC standards.]

Your assignment is to 1) choose six different committee members for the first column and then 2) identify and record a relevant standard(s) from the ONC Standards for EHR Products resource (above) for that committee member in column two and finally, 3) record three specific questions or inquiries that could be asked at the Vendor Demonstrations to facilitate the selection of an EHR that will meet the facility needs. Use the template below and save it as a Word document to submit to the dropbox. Please be sure to use a citation for the ONC Standards for EHR Products resource.

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HR Management: Four vendors have provided written material on their
Reference No:- TGS02472377

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