Prepare a block diagram of a home intercom system from Fig. 27-44 and the following information:
a. Four intercoms (located at the front door, the back door, the workshop, and the recreation room) connect to a multiplexer which in turn connects to two units, a speech synthesizer, and speech recognition hardware.
b. The last two units in (a) connect (two-way flow) to the CPU module.
c. Two sensors, one indoor and one outdoor, feed into the CPU module
d. The power to operate the system feeds into a line voltage monitor and battery backup system, which in tum is connected to the CPU module.
e. The line voltage monitor and backup system also connect to an RCT unit, which in tum is connected (two-way flow) to the CPU module.
f. A 16-channel ac remote control transmitter links the power control receivers located throughout the house to the CPU module.