
Foundational to the christian faith

All students will write an 800-1,200-word Final Essay addressing the following topic:

Foundational to the Christian faith is the belief that God is actively involved with His creation. Explain how this belief affects the way we interact with people within a chosen vocation.

A few points of clarification may be helpful:

1. The word belief in this assignment is essentially synonymous with the word doctrine.

2. It would be wise to select the chosen vocation that you intend to have upon graduation.

3. Be sure to incorporate at least 4 theological references in your paper using course sources; no fewer than 2 of these should be drawn from relevant articles in the Elwell text.

4. Be sure to incorporate at least 6 relevant biblical references.

5. At least the first-half of your essay should focus on the doctrine which is in view, and the remainder should seek to apply that doctrine in the context of your chosen vocation.

As was true for the short essays, use double-spacing, 1-inch margins, and 12-pt. Times New Roman font. In addition, you must follow current APA, MLA, or Turabian style (whichever corresponds to your degree program). The body of your essay should be 800-1,200 words in length, not including your name, course and section number, essay title, footnotes, and bibliography.

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Reference No:- TGS0545174

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