
Foundational practice for christianity


Baptism is a foundational practice for Christianity. The Eucharist is likewise foundational, though there is variance in its theological interpretation and explanation and so may serve as a distinctive practice of Catholicism.

I. Choose A or B or C:

A. Please briefly compare and contrast the “Great Schism of 1054” with the Protestant Reformation of Luther OR the English Reformation. Include reference to theology, historical context, and outcome. Optional: Comment on whether these schisms—schisms in general?—are in your estimation more about “faith” or “reason.”

B. Please summarize the Roman Catholic understanding of the “real presence” of Christ in the Eucharist with the Eucharistic theology of either Luther OR Zwingli. Make sure both positions are briefly summarized and that the differences/similarities include theological interpretations, philosophical premises, and ritual and lived practice. Optional: evaluate the Roman Catholic doctrine of “transubstantiation” based on your own knowledge and experience.

C. Baptism is a foundational practice of Christianity. Please describe the history, meaning & symbolism, and practice of baptism. THEN, either 1) Reflect on the usage of water as a primary symbol that mediates God’s grace OR 2) Reflect on the potential for baptism as a base for ecumenical dialogue (dialogue between Christian traditions) using Unitatis Redintegratio, esp. paragraph 22.

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