
Foundation for group development and management in

Assessment Task

This assessment sets the foundation for group development and management in completion of Assessment.

You are required to form a completion of assessment 2 group of 2 students and develop a team charter to successfully manage the completion of assessment.

Your project team charter will clarify how you are going to define and allocate roles and responsibilities in your team. Groups are scored on their capacity to communicate the information effectively. There is no strict requirement that this submission take written form (it may be a video, PowerPoint, website, blog, annotated diagram or other media), but it must clearly communicate the information required of the task.

As a guide, if in written form, the team charter should be approximately 1000 words in length.

The assessment criteria for this item comprise:

1. Rules, norms, values, and structure

2. Roles and responsibilities

3. Group engagement (communication, participation, and leadership)

4. Contingencies - time management, shared output, work flow, and management

5. Written communication and referencing standards

Team Charter Outline

Your team charter should include the following sections:

1.0 Purpose

Describe the purpose for forming the team and the anticipated outcomes.

2.0 Scope

State the scope, mission, and objectives for the acquisition and the team's role in achieving it. This is similar to preparing a mission need statement. Define the high level goals the team/acquisition must accomplish.

3.0 Membership roles

Identify roles and responsibilities of each team member, List member name, organization, and contact information including telephone and email address, and to functional level of expertise associated with each member.am role if designated already. Also identify specific

4.0 Team Roles and Respollsibilities

Clarify project roles and develop job descriptions for these roles. Project role may riciude:

> Quality and schedule control manager
> Other roles the group wishes to create

5.0 Responsibility Matrix

Identify roles and responsibilities of each team member. List member name, contact information including telephone no and email address. Also identify specific functional level of expertise associated with each member. Ensure to consider individual variables such as motivation, ability, situational factors, personality, creative ability, technological aptitude, teamwork preferences, team role preferences, leadership competencies, values, teamwork experience, knowledge in specialist area etc. Group members may be allocated more than one role.

6.0 Team operations

Describe team operational plans. This includes, for example, such activities as the team's decision-making processes, how changes in membership occur should the need arise, plans to establish "ground" or operating rules, relationships with other teams, logistical support, etc.

7.0 Team Performance Management

Document key areas of performance needed for team success along with means of measuring progress, including contingency measures to deal with conflicts. It is a good idea to look at some performance appraisal forms, and how these might apply to the roles within your team.

8.0 Communication plan

Develop a communication plan to ensure an effective communication between the team members. Your communication plan should include:

> Set rules for reporting requirements
> Rules for information collecting and sharing requirements
> Choice of suitable formal and informal communication channel
> when, where and how meetings will take place

9.0 Acquisition milestones and schedules

Include major activities and milestones forecasted along with associated timeframes and schedule.

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Business Management: Foundation for group development and management in
Reference No:- TGS01535248

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