
Foul whisperings are abroad unnatural deeds do breed

Doctor : Foul whisperings are abroad. Unnatural deeds Do breed unnatural troubles. Infected minds To their deaf pillows will discharge their secrets

1. These lines can correctly be identified as a. the prose of normal speech b. rhythmic formal prose c. irregularly rhymed lines d.blank verse

2. In these lines, one of the playwright's concerns is the creation of an atmosphee of a. hope and reassurance b.foreboding and evil c. pity and concern d. puzzlement and helplessness

3. the phrase "deaf pillows" can best be paraphrased as a. the sleep of forgetfulness b. bedding that can't hear c. a trusted husband or wife d. the silence of the night

4. the "infected minds" can be best identified as a. suspicious persons b. wronged roylaty c. helpless individuals d. people troubled by guilt

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English: Foul whisperings are abroad unnatural deeds do breed
Reference No:- TGS0906049

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