
Fostering corporate diversity

Fostering corporate diversity:

Project instructions:

You work as the human resources manager for a small software company of about 100 employees. An employee who has worked for the company for six years as a technical writer comes to you to ask about adding his same sex partner to his medical insurance plan. Though the company has a non-discrimination policy that includes sexual orientation, health benefits for same sex employees are not currently offered and have never been asked until now. You have told him you will get back to him with a formal written response within the week after investigating options.

Write a recommendation report to the CEO of the company advocating for a change in company policy that will allow same sex couples in committed or married relationships the option to add partners to companies health insurance plan. You live and work in a state where same sex marriage is not currently legal but it seems economically inadvisable to exclude qualified lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender employees from the same benefits as other employees have. How will you make your case for the need? How will you go about investigating the particulars of reforming the plans options? What will be the general sections and argument for your report?

Recommendation letter format– executive summary, contents,background,survey study, campaign suggestions, conclusion

Research similar sized companies both within your own state and nationally to see how they have handled this issue of health benefits for same sex partners of employees. Also have changing marriage laws, at both state and federal lever, affected what companies must do. –research report format–executive summary, organizations analyzed, methodology, study sample, discussion and recommendations, study limitations and conclusions will send over as well

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