
Fortran program to compute pressure of a vander waal gas

Answer the following questions.

Question 1) Give the account of vibrational structure of an electronic transition.

Question 2) Discuss vibrational and rotational spectra of diatomic molecules.

Question 3) Give the significance of sampling techniques used for different forms of substances.

Question 4) Describe the significance of ‘Accuracy’ and ‘Precision’ in analytical determinations.

Question 5) Explain the types of errors encountered in chemical analyses.

Question 6) What do you mean by mean, median, average deviation relative deviation and standard deviation? Compute the above parameters for the following data. The normality of a solution determined by four individuals is, 0.2041, 0.2049, 0.2039 and 0.2043.

Question 7) Compare the features of mainframe, micro and super computers.

Question 8) Explain the format of different assignment statements used in FORTRAN.

Question 9) Write a FORTRAN program to compute the rate constant of a first order reaction from the observed kinetic data.

Question 10) Write a FORTRAN program to compute and print pressure of a vander Waal’s gas, given the volume, temperature and vander Waal’s constants.

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Chemistry: Fortran program to compute pressure of a vander waal gas
Reference No:- TGS05062

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