
Formulation of the ant colony search algorithm to solve

Aim and Objectives of Project

The aim of this project is to evaluate Economic Load Dispatch problem in power generating stations by the use of Ant Colony Search Algorithms. The project will offer solutions to economic load dispatch (ELD) problems in power generating stations which involves allocation of power generation to different generating units in order to minimize the operating cost subject to diverse equality and inequality constraints of the power system.

The Objectives of this project is as follows:

i. Formulation of the Ant Colony Search Algorithm to solve Economic Load Dispatch Problems
ii. Using the Ant Colony Search Algorithm to minimize the generation cost in power station with the aid of MatLab program.
iii. Apportioning power generated to different generating units by optimizing the operating cost subject to some equality and inequality constraints using the MatLab program.

Significance of Project
The project upon completion will be used in solving Economic Load Dispatch problems at power generating stations.

Scope of Project
The project covers the study of Economic Load Dispatch and problems associated with it. It also covers the study of Ant Colony Search Algorithm, the formulation and running of MatLab program using the Ant Colony Search Algorithms for solving Economic Load Dispatch problems in Thermal Power Stations.

In order to achieve the aim and objective of this project, a MATLAB code will be written to solve the Economic Load Dispatch problem using Ant Colony Search Algorithms Techniques. This MATLAB code will be run on a Windows 7 Computer using Cost Coefficient Data from Thermal Power stations. This will involve the simulation of Two Thermal Power Stations under variable Power Loads to get their corresponding fuel costs. These thermal power stations have four generating units with variable generating capacity.

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Simulation in MATLAB: Formulation of the ant colony search algorithm to solve
Reference No:- TGS02137854

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