
Formulating and implementing international strategy

Q1. Trace the evolution of the international Business.

Q2. Explain the international strategic management process?

Q3. Should the same managers be included in both formulating and implementing international strategy or be handled by various managers? Explain why?

Q4. Write detail notes on the given:

a) Free trade area
b) Customs union               
c) Common market
d) Economic union

Q5. Should international business promote or fight the formation of the regional blocks?

Q6. Compare and contrast the WTO with GATT.

Q7. Bring out the main objectives and functions of the WTO.

Q8. You are the head of the purchasing department in a multi-crore firm. Point out the ethical conflicts you encounter. Explain how do you solve them?

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Business Management: Formulating and implementing international strategy
Reference No:- TGS013064

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