
Formulate the shipment problem for madlantic devices

Discuss the below in detail:

Q: Madlantic Devices designs and manufactures high-end medical devices.  The facilities in Madison and Atlanta serve as design and component manufacturing facilities.  Components are then shipped to warehouses in Philadelphia or Knoxville, where they are held until final assembly is completed at either Dayton, Bloomington, or Albany.   Manufacturing capacity in Madison and Atlanta is 1000 units.  Demand at Dayton, Bloomington, and Albany is 450, 500, and 610, respectively. The network representing the shipping routs is shown below.

The network representing the shipping routes is as follows:

Madison Ships one time to Philadelphia and Knoxville

Atlanta ships 2 times to Philadelphia and Knoxville

Philadelphia ships 3 times to Dayton, Bloomington, Albany and Knoxville

Knoxville ships 4 times to Philadelphia, Dayton, Bloomington and Albany

The costs for shipping between each facility is shown below.  A blank cell indicates that shipping between two facilities is not permitted.


Final Assembly Facilities

Final Assembly FacilitiesFinal Assembly Facilities
Design and component manufacturing Philadelphia Knoxville Dayton Bloomington Albany
Madison 7 8

Atlanta 4 7


3 25 6 17
Knoxville 3
29 8 5

1. Formulate the shipment problem for Madlantic Devices.

2. Solve the shipment problem for Madlantic Devices and explain the solution.

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Operation Research: Formulate the shipment problem for madlantic devices
Reference No:- TGS02044268

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