Formulate the hypotheses

1. The Campus Crime Data for Minnesota (2009-2011) page, which provides actual data generated by the U.S. Department of Education's Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Cutting Tool.

2. The Campus Crime Data Codebook, which explains the labels used in the Campus Crime Data sheet.
Practical Application Scenario

As a result of recent campus safety concerns at XYZ University, you have been engaged by campus security team leaders to gather and analyze data about on-campus crime rates in schools in the state of Minnesota. Crime data from 181 Minnesota campuses has been compiled in the Campus Crime Data file. Write a management report for campus security team leaders, analyzing and evaluating campus

crime data for Minnesota. Include your findings and recommendations for your clients. In your report, be sure to examine the following:

1. What crimes were most commonly committed on Minnesota campuses between 2009 and 2011? Based on the data, would you say the crime rates decreased or increased from 2009 to 2011?

2. The campus security leaders believe that the three-year total crime rate in public institutions is higher than that in private institutions. They have asked you to test that hypothesis. Conduct the test and describe your results. To start, you will:

a. Formulate the hypotheses statement.

b. Determine the three-year total crime rate per institution, separately, for private and public institutions.

c. Use the appropriate statistical approach to conduct and test the hypotheses for difference in crime rates.

3. Your clients would also like you to develop a 95 percent confidence interval for the difference in three-year total campus crime rates between public and private institutions in Minnesota. Report your results.

4. What, if any, ethical issues should concern you in conducting your research?

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Business Management: Formulate the hypotheses
Reference No:- TGS01156962

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5/6/2016 5:20:16 AM

Write down a management report for the campus security team leaders, examining and assessing campus crime data for Minnesota. Consider the information provided above and respond to the following: Q1. Illustrate what crimes were most generally committed on Minnesota campuses between the year 2009 and 2011? On the basis of data, would you state that the crime rates reduced or increased from year 2009 to 2011? Q2. The campus security leaders think that the 3-year total crime rate in public institutions is more than that in private organizations. They have asked you to test hypothesis. Perform the test and illustrate your outcomes. To begin, you will: a) Devise the hypotheses statement. b) Find out the 3-year total crime rate per institution, separately, for the private and public institutions. c) By the use of suitable statistical approach to perform and test the hypotheses for difference in crime rates. Q3. What, if any, ethical issues must concern you in performing your research?